I’ve been on blogging hiatus lately (as you all know). The good news is that I’ve been using my time wisely. In addition to the kids’ active last week of school (which ends next Wednesday – woo hoo!) and all the other super fast-paced things us mommies do, I’ve been working hard at researching publishing houses to submit my first manuscript to.
You might think, “What’s the big deal? Just look up the biggest and best children’s industry publishers and send it out!” or, “Send it to them all.” But the truth is, that is what many writers do and THAT is why the “slush piles” at the publishing houses are so big. The manuscript must fit with not only the publisher, but the editor to a ‘T’.
Since I’ve finished my 680 word manuscript after volumes and volumes of revisions and critiques, here is a quick recap of what I’ve been working on:
I began searching for publishers that would represent my picture book perfectly... This is when the real work began. I thought the writing was the work... That was actually the FUN part! Let’s just say it’s a fortunate thing that I happen to love research. This is certainly no quick and easy task.
I began this process by checking the publishers section of my CWIM (Children’s Writer’s & Illustrators Market) and checking at a glance if they appear to be a good fit for my story (Do they do picture books? Are they accepting manuscripts? Do you have to have an agent to sub? etc...). Additionally, I checked the publishers of some of my favorite picture books.
I’m currently at about forty publishers (or so) who have made the first cut. My goal is to get down to about 5 or so (give or take) who I feel could FALL IN LOVE with my protagonist and his amazing journey... oh, and all those other amusing characters surrounding him.
How do I do that? I have to do an in-depth research of each publisher. First, I have to see which ones have printed picture books similar to mine. They don’t have to have the same story line... and none will, but they do need to represent funny rhyming picture books told in amazingly perfect rhyme and meter, just like mine!
I’ll do my best to keep you up to date with my researching process and all that it entails.
Still coming in the near future...
Leaving a Legacy of Love (part 3)
Agent’s Day Recap (Part 2)
Until then... happy reading and writing!