A BIG HIGH FIVE! We're in the fifth day of National Picture Book Writing Week where we're attempting to write seven picture books in seven days.  You can read all about our progress on Paula Yoo's website.

I did it! I finished another picture book today.  I may have had a slow start, just like the sloths in my third picture book (first draft), but I'm making up for lost time over the weekend.

PiBo #1 (157 words in prose): It's all about a girl who loves...  Well, you'll have to wait and see when it comes out in print! For now it's top secret!!! Shhhhhh!

PiBo #2 (49 woppin' words in prose using an internal-rhyme scheme): Inspired by my own picky eater, guess what this little guy wants with every meal??? Well, almost every meal.

PiBo#3 (176 words in rhyme): My main characters may be slow to move, but this first draft wasn't.  I plowed through all ten rhyming stanzas about sloths in less than an hour. YES! WOO HOOO!

Now, I'm off to work on writing one more picture book first draft before I nod off to sleep.  I've got the plot, main character and his problem in my brain, I just need to make it work on paper.